Action Alerts
Now it’s your turn to take action! Conservation Voters like you are getting involved all across Wisconsin to ensure clean water, clean air, and beautiful places for generations to come.
Urge the Joint Finance Committee to release $125 million for PFAS remediation
Ask your legislator to urge the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) to release $125 million in already-approved funds for PFAS remediation.
TAKE ACTIONTake action against the Line 5 pipeline
Tell the Army Corps: Don't take any shortcuts on the proposed Line 5 pipeline reroute in Wisconsin.
TAKE ACTIONSign the clean energy petition
A movement has been building – the leadership of state and local governments is necessary to help move our country closer to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. Sign the petition to support this movement.
TAKE ACTIONSupport PFAS groundwater standards in Wisconsin
Tell you legislator to support this critical piece of legislation that would enable groundwater protections to progress.
TAKE ACTIONVoter Resources
Voting rights in Wisconsin have been degraded in recent years, but it is still easy to vote. Use these resources to ensure you have a successful Election Day. Or better yet, cast an early vote. If you can't find what you're looking for here and still have questions about voting in Wisconsin give us a call at 608-661-0845 and we'll help find the answer.
Voter Resources
Voting rights in Wisconsin have been degraded in recent years, but it is still easy to vote. Use these resources to ensure you have a successful Election Day. Or better yet, cast an early vote. If you can't find what you're looking for here and still have questions about voting in Wisconsin give us a call at 608-661-0845 and we'll help find the answer.