Benefits available for City of Green Bay residents

Help Navigating the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
The City of Green Bay helps individuals, nonprofits, and businesses understand and leverage IRA opportunities. To learn more, email the Clean Energy Connector at or call 920-660-8655.

Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program
Partners for Community Development, Inc. provides income-eligible households with energy assistance. Apply by calling 833-646-0823 or visiting this website.

Local Clean Energy Commitments
Last December, the city adopted the Clean Energy Green Bay plan that outlines how Green Bay can transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. Learn more about how you can save energy and money at this link.

Home Improvement and Resiliency Programs
The City of Green Bay offers grant and loan programs for homeowners to enhance the flood resiliency and energy efficiency of their property. Income and other eligibility requirements may apply.
