CNOW Week of Feb. 10, 2020
This week's notices
- Oppose SB 708: Allowing Polluters to Undermine Science in Groundwater Standards
- Support AB 797: Prohibiting Sale or Use of Toxic Sealant Products
Oppose SB 708: Allowing Polluters to Undermine Science in Groundwater Standards
Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to oppose SB 708, which is before the Senate Committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection on Tuesday.
Currently, all members of the public are allowed to participate in the process of approving new health-based standards for groundwater once submitted to the DNR. Our health depends on sound science and our state agencies provide balanced unbiased scientific review with robust public comment opportunities. Polluters have begun a push to influence the scientific review of public health impacts of groundwater. These polluters clearly have a self-interest in the outcome of such review. SB 708 would, for the first time, require the Department of Health Services to solicit input from self-interested parties on how health standards are developed.
Support AB 797: Prohibiting Sale or Use of Toxic Sealant Products
Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to support AB 797 is before the Assembly Committee on Transportation on Tuesday.
Coal tar-based driveway sealants are extremely toxic and can lead to increased cancer rates and cause tumors in fish and other aquatic animals. AB 797 would prohibit the sale of coal tar-based sealant products and high PAH sealant products beginning Jan. 1, 2021, and prohibit the use of such products beginning July 1, 2021.
Conservation NOW (CNOW) announce the pro-conservation positions on issues before the senate, assembly and/or governor in the week ahead to state legislators. Others wishing to follow activities in the state legislature also receive CNOW, including legislative staff, conservation voters, and media. All of these issues are tracked on the Vote Tracker. Issues in the CNOW may appear in the Conservation Scorecard, to be released in the summer of 2020.