Some photos courtesy of Joshua Mayer

Engaging Voters to Protect Wisconsin’s Environment

Wisconsin Conservation Voters understands an extraordinary place like Wisconsin requires extraordinary protectors like you.


Cedar swamp forest, Joshua Mayer

Your voice, your actions, and your vote

hold the power to safeguard Wisconsin’s air, land, water, and public health today and for future generations.

We envision a healthy, beautiful Wisconsin for all to enjoy forever.

To achieve that, Wisconsin Conservation Voters advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-conservation candidates who will champion our priority issues. Wisconsin Conservation Voters is committed to ensuring who we are and who we work with reflects the state as a whole and our guiding principles reflect that commitment.


Seven Bridges Park, Angela Castro


Clean water, breathable air, pristine land, safe and abundant lakes and rivers, healthy families – a brighter, cleaner, safer Wisconsin – can’t exist without you.