We need your urgent action to protect Wisconsin's drinking water

Communities around Wisconsin are suffering from health risks caused by toxic PFAS chemicals in their drinking water. There are solutions, but they can't wait any longer.

Write your legislators TODAY to urge the Joint Finance Committee to release $125 million in already-approved funds for PFAS remediation.

It's been over a year since Gov. Evers signed this $125 million into the state budget, but the JFC has still not released the funds. We don't have time to waste – write your legislator.

Your contact information helps us identify your legislators and the most relevant messages to send you.

Our Mission

Wisconsin Conservation Voters engages voters to protect Wisconsin’s environment. We understand an extraordinary place like Wisconsin requires extraordinary protectors like you.

We envision a healthy, beautiful Wisconsin for all to enjoy forever. To achieve that, Wisconsin Conservation Voters advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-conservation candidates who will champion our priority issues: clean water, clean energy, and a healthy democracy.

