2020 - Local Victory
Menomonie passes clean energy resolution
The Menomonie City Council passed a resolution to join state, county, and local agencies to ensure all electricity in the state is carbon-free by 2050, including carbon reductions in the City of Menomonie of 60 percent by 2040, adding to the growing list of communities in the Chippewa Valley that are taking the lead on clean energy.
Wisconsin Conservation Voters worked with WCV members and local partner groups including the League of Women Voters and Sustainable Dunn to build support for clean energy in Menomonie.
Hundreds of people in the city took action through signing petitions, calling or writing their city leaders, or marching in #FridaysForOurFuture Climate Strikes.
All the work paid off.
The resolution passed unanimously and was spoken of favorably by city leadership, noting the calls, emails, and activism showing broad and robust support for the resolution made the difference.