CNOW for Sept. 13, 2023
Today's conservation notices:
- Oppose Veto Override of SB 49, Limiting Local Communities’ Ability to Address Climate Change
- Support Meagan Wolfe for Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator
- Support SB 134, Improving the Farmland Preservation Tax Credit
- Oppose AB 415: Entrenching Legislative Control Over Redistricting
Oppose Veto Override of SB 49, Limiting Local Communities’ Ability to Address Climate Change
Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to oppose the veto override of SB 49, which is before the Senate on Thursday.
Climate change is one of the most pressing problems facing the planet. Local governments in Wisconsin have been on the forefront of developing plans to make sure that the energy produced in their communities is safe, locally available when possible, and pollution-free. SB 49 would restrict local communities' ability to determine what fuel sources are used to meet their needs by unnecessarily mandating that they can't exclude natural gas.
Support Meagan Wolfe for Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator
Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to support Administrator Meagan Wolfe, who is before the Senate on Thursday.
Wisconsin elections administration depends on thoughtful, steady-handed, nonpartisan leadership to be implemented fairly and efficiently. Administrator Wolfe is an exemplary nonpartisan leader who administered an election during a global pandemic and ensured that the work of the clerks around the state continued effectively. She has remained unquestionably equipped and committed to administering the work of the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Support SB 134, Improving the Farmland Preservation Tax Credit
Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to support SB 134, which is before the Senate on Thursday.
Wisconsin’s farmland preservation program provides eligible farmers with a refundable per-acre tax credit. In order to be eligible for farmland preservation tax credits, landowners must also certify compliance with state soil and water conservation standards and practices. SB 134 would address Wisconsin farmers’ reluctance to participate in the farmland preservation program by updating the program to increase the credit amount for eligible farmers and would decrease the length of farmland preservation agreements signed with DATCP from 15 to 10 years.
Oppose AB 415, Entrenching Legislative Control Over Redistricting
Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to oppose AB 415, which is before the Assembly on Thursday.
To protect our health and the health of our planet voters must choose their representatives, not the other way around. Partisan redistricting works against that basic freedom by creating non-competitive districts that allow politicians who should represent their constituents to ignore the will of local voters. AB 415 entrenches legislative control of our redistricting process, working against the goal of creating fair maps.
Conservation Notices of the Week (CNOW) announces the pro-conservation positions on issues before the senate, assembly and/or governor in the week ahead to state legislators. Others wishing to follow activities in the state legislature also receive CNOW, including legislative staff, conservation voters, and media. All of these issues are tracked on the Vote Tracker. Issues in the CNOW may appear in the Conservation Scorecard.