Priority Campaigns
We are working to create a sustainable and equitable future for Wisconsin's future generations. These campaigns offer specific, effective actions that you can take right now to advocate for clean energy, safe drinking water, and a healthy democracy.

Priority Campaign
Be part of the solution with President Biden's Affordable Clean Energy Plan
Pres. Biden’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan is the largest investment in clean energy in United States history. People across the country are seeing once-in-a generation investments that will save money, make communities healthier, and create good paying jobs.
PFAS: the dangerous forever chemicals threatening our health
We must work toward a PFAS solution that puts impacted people before corporate polluters and their allies.
The 2025-26 Wisconsin State Budget
We're working hard to ensure the priorities of communities around the state are part of the state budget.
The Line 5 Pipeline
Enbridge Line 5 slices across Wisconsin along the Lake Superior shoreline and through the Bad River Reservation. Now, it’s old and falling apart – a ticking time bomb that threatens our waters and land while continuing to make us dependent on fossil fuels.
Stevens Point Clean Energy Campaign
We're working with local elected officials and residents to ensure the city honors its commitment to 100 percent clean energy by 2050.
Clean Energy Green Bay Plan
The City of Green Bay has adopted the Clean Energy Green Bay Plan that outlines how our municipal operations and community at-large can reach 100 percent clean energy and carbon neutrality by 2050.
Celebrating Biden's Affordable Clean Energy Plan
Pres. Biden’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan is the largest investment in clean energy in United States history. People across the country are seeing once-in-a generation investments that will save money, make communities healthier, and create good paying jobs.
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