Clean Energy Green Bay Plan

On Dec. 5, 2023 the Green Bay Common Council voted 9-to-2 in favor of adopting the Clean Energy Green Bay Plan, moving the city towards a clean energy future. The plan outlines how municipal operations and the community at-large can reach 100 percent clean energy and carbon neutrality by 2050. It takes a close look at the near term and provides realistic solutions for how we can reduce carbon emissions 40 percent by 2030.
The work is just getting started. Now that there’s a plan in place, we need to get to work and implement it. The collaboration across the community that produced this roadmap to the future is going to be crucial to ensuring that the ideas on paper become a reality.
What's in the Clean Energy Green Bay Plan?
The Clean Energy Green Bay Plan is a roadmap that puts our municipal operations and community at-large on the path to 100 percent clean energy and carbon neutrality by 2050. Over the last year, the City of Green Bay, Green Bay Metro Transit, and the Green Bay Water Utility have developed policies and solutions that will save the city, taxpayers, and residents money while building a healthy Green Bay for all to enjoy.
The plan focuses on the next decade, and how we can reduce carbon emission by 40 percent by 2030. The main components of the plan are:
An inventory of community wide carbon emissions
Community engagement through a public survey process and an open house
An in-depth analysis of solar, fleet, and building upgrade opportunities for municipal operations
Identification of policies and educational actions to drive reductions at the community level