Social Toolkit for Biden's Affordable Clean Energy Plan

Here's a social media toolkit for Biden's Affordable Clean Energy Plan. Use these sample social media posts and graphics to share on your own pages.

Link to social graphics.

Sample posts: climate, justice, jobs, cost savings benefits

Already, the affordable clean energy plan has created 170,000 new jobs & spurred $278 billion in climate investment!

In just 10 years, these investments will create 9 million family-supporting jobs, save households money, & bring us closer than ever to reaching our climate goals.

The affordable clean energy plan’s cost-saving climate investments are already helping communities. In just 10 years, they’ll:

Create 9 million good-paying jobs

️Expand household access to healthier, electric alternatives

Bring us 80% closer to reaching our 2030 climate goals

The climate crisis is here and disproportionately impacting communities on the frontline.

That’s why 40% of federal investments passed in the affordable clean energy plan will go to communities who need it the most, creating jobs, lowering bills, and building climate resilience!

Sample posts: electrification of homes

From tax credits to rebates, there's ways for every type of household to lower energy bills and reduce their climate impact with the affordable clean energy plan!

Learn more about how you can upgrade your appliances to save you energy & money:

Looking to lower your energy bills and save the planet?

The investments in the affordable clean energy plan will help you do that!

Find out how your household can qualify for tax credits or rebates for electric appliance upgrades, weatherization, and more:

Some households can qualify for up to $14,000 in rebates to discount or even fully cover electrification projects like heat pumps, weatherization, and more!

Find out how your household qualifies to install cost-saving, energy-efficient appliances, and fight the climate crisis.

The affordable clean energy plan will bring us 80% closer to reaching our 2030 climate goals while providing incredible incentives for families to install cost-saving, energy-efficient appliances!

Find out how your household can access rebates and tax credits to upgrade your home.

Sample posts: how IRA & IIJA can benefit businesses

Thanks to new investments in the affordable clean energy plan, small businesses can save energy, lower costs, and help combat the climate crisis!

Find out what tax incentives your business can qualify for:

In support of our American entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity, the affordable clean energy plan includes investments that benefit businesses.

Tax incentives can help businesses secure clean energy independence, establish efficient buildings, save money, and help the planet!

Businesses can convert to clean energy, be a part of the climate solution, and save money!

With the clean energy plan, a multitude of tax incentives are available for businesses to install renewable energy, buy clean commercial vehicles, and upgrade to energy efficient systems.
