Test your water for PFAS

How do I know whether there are PFAS in my water?

Ask your local officials if your community tests for PFAS. If your community does not, use this guide to encourage them to test.

If you’re looking to test your own water (e.g., if your community hasn’t tested or you get your drinking water from a private well):

  1. Look at the DNR's list of certified labs to choose a testing lab that has been granted PFAS certification in the state of Wisconsin.
  2. Ask about the price, testing costs can vary. Note: Your health department may offer payment options and/or financial assistance.
  3. See if you qualify for the well compensation grant program.

I tested my water for PFAS. What do the results mean?

Once you have the results of your test, you can use The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant’s online PFAS Assessment Tool to help determine whether you should take action. Alternatively, the Department of Health Services has 18 advisory standards for PFAS. If any PFAS levels exceed those advisory standards, consider taking action.

My drinking water is contaminated. What immediate steps should I take?

Check out this resource on reducing PFAS in your drinking water . It includes guidance on the best filtration systems. The resource is available in Spanish and Hmong here.

What can I do to support local, long-term action to address PFAS?

  1. Share your results with your neighbors and encourage them to test their water.
  2. Write a letter to the editor or op-ed to your local paper. Tell your story and urge your elected officials to support clean water. Here are some tips on how.

What can I do to support statewide, long-term action to address PFAS?

  1. Send your results to your legislator or post them on social media and tag your legislators.
  2. Organize an in-district meeting with your legislator to tell your story. Invite your neighbors. Here are some tips on organizing a great meeting with your legislator.
  3. Ask your legislators to reintroduce the CLEAR Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation that would establish public health-based standards, widespread testing, and a plan for cleaning up existing pollution.

How can I get more involved with Wisconsin Conservation Voters?

  1. Share your story with us using this form.
  2. Join our team of activists organizing around the state.