The 2019-20 Conservation Scorecard

Sep 08, 2020

The 2019-2020 Conservation Scorecard tells the story of how your legislators performed during the last legislative session – who was a true steward of Wisconsin’s environment and who just talked about it.

This session went by with very little meaningful pro-conservation legislation. Despite public support for adopting strong policies and meaningful solutions, the legislature under Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald showed no sense of urgency and no commitment to addressing the state’s most pressing conservation issues.

In the scorecard, you’ll find our assessment of how priorities like safe, clean drinking water were attacked and undermined by legislative leadership headed by Speaker Vos, whose reckless ambition put polluters and their priorities over the people of Wisconsin and the protection of your health and environment.

The scorecard also spotlights the fight for Wisconsin’s natural resources at the State Capitol; tells the story of priority legislation, including who voted for and against it; and features this year’s Conservation Honor Roll and Conservation Dishonor Roll.

You can view or download a digital copy here, or check out all of our scorecards here. If you'd like to receive a print copy, become a member today.

It’s more important than ever to hold our elected representatives accountable for what they do, which often contradicts what they say. Speaker Vos said that everyone should have access to safe, clean drinking water. And yet he bowed to corporate polluters and failed to pass any of the bills that would keep PFAS, manure, and lead out of our water.

As conservation voters we’re led by our values, not politics. Clean water. Clean air. Clean government. A healthier environment. These are our values. Yet, these legislative leaders chose again and again to ignore the growing crises that we face like polluted water and climate change.

We encourage you to judge legislators by their actions. The scorecard, along with our Vote Tracker, allows you to easily find and share the truth of those actions from last session.




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